Spring has finally arrived! It felt like winter was never going to end, at least here in Wisconsin. Which means spring cleaning time! If you are anything like me I let the winter get the best of me. What I mean by that is any and all thought that related to procrastination becomes my best friend until the sun decides to keep shinning longer. That is why I finally decided to create a simple and easy monthly cleaning calendar for these early spring months.
Why a Monthly Cleaning Calendar?
Like anything cleaning is a skill and a habit and in order to keep up I need to create some type of checklist in whatever form seems fit for the season of life I currently am in. And what better way to achieve a go than having a visual with a variety of tasks. Cleaning can become so daunting if we let if but if you break it down(in to a cleaning calendar form) it ends up not being so bad after all .
Discipline gives you more Freedom
Stress seems to be the biggest excuse for me when it comes down to needing to do the nitty gritty. But if you really break down stress in general it really comes to the surface that is means you are actually not doing enough(or utilizing the time you have). Lets face its we all have priorities and when we have a relatively clean environment we produce more quality work! That then allows us to have more free time, in the long run, to do what we want! That being said we all have our days and I for one have to give my self grace.
Cleaning Calendar creates Consistency
Like anything else to be successful consistency is key! Cleaning for 9 hours is less productive than cleaning for 20 minutes. What? You’re probably thinking. But it’s true. Just think of the gym and working out! If you spend all day at the gym and don’t do that more than twice a week MAYBE you really won’t see progress. BUT if everyday you took some time out you will find the productivity is more effective! If you get to do this for a while it will be comes second nature where you won’t even thing about it!
In with the New
As you go through this cleaning calendar you will find that there are various intensities when the cleaning task. That is because the point is to not give your self too much where you get discouraged and give up. Baby steps.
I also created a “replace items” list spot so as you go through your home to refresh you can jot down what should be replaced! I, for one, have a list like this that seems to be never ending. Instead pick your top 5 and start there!
Cleaning the Home of your Dreams
In todays world everything has to be new and we put expectations on our selves and in our home that can tend to overwhelm us where we give up. Putting your mind to making do with what you have and add a tidbit of consistency you will get farther than you would ever think! You got this!
Happy Spring Cleaning!!
Don’t forget to download your free April 2022 cleaning calendar!
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