Feeling a bug creeping up on you and you want to nip it in the butt? Or are your little ones starting to get a runny nose and want to make enough soup for when you drop too? Well, I have you covered with the recipe for the best soup for a cold!
Don’t overthink while making your soup!
When making this soup focus on your preference! You can get as creative as you want! If you want it more sweet add some more honey and more salt if you want the opposite.
Reasons for the best soup for a cold…
Let’s face it everything we could possibly need nature provides for us. Isn’t that amazing? So if you are like me and rather try other methods over the casual doctor visit and antibiotics this is where to start.
I am going to go through each important ingredient when it comes to making this soup, for a cold, and why I really find it important and most importantly beneficial.
Key soup ingredient you can’t forget
Homemade Chicken Broth
Why homemade you ask. When the real question is why not.
There is almost a never-ending list of homemade bone broth but I am only going to list 2 reasons why homemade broth should be your go-to no matter what. One is that it is super easy to create broth. Two, being that it’s high in protein, low-carb, harbors electrolytes, contains vitamins A, B, E, K, C, B12…. and I could keep going.
But! Don’t be discouraged! Use what you have access to at the moment you need it! Whatever you use just know you are making the best soup for a cold!
If you don’t know where to start when making your OWN homemade bone broth check out my post on How to Make Homemade Bone Broth.
Garlic is known for its talent for fighting off bacteria, fungi, parasites, and most importantly viruses! Who knew? Right?
High blood pressure, the classic cold, and artery health are just a few of the ways garlic proves to be the holy grail for all things health-related.
Garlic produces a chemical called allicin. Allicin assists in treating inflammation and protects cells from harmful molecules. For example, allicin has been found to fight against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. So add all that garlicky goodness to the best soup for a cold you will ever come across.
What do onions bring to the table? No pun intended.
Onions provide another avenue of anti-oxidants that have been found to improve bone health and lower blood sugar levels. They also provide vitamin C, B6, folate, potassium, & iron! So don’t skip the onion!
Raw Honey
If you ask me honey is second to breast milk. The holy grail of all clean eating. Raw honey has been found to help with a full spectrum of ailments of the human body. Honey can also be a topical treatment. But since we are making a soup let us talk about the internal benefit. Honey has been found to help take away the reliance on antidepressants, and it is also seen to work benefit as an anticonvulsant.
Maybe you have seen the theme already but honey provides another network of antioxidants. Honey also helps assist the brain in rest. Helps the circulatory system out as well as fighting infections!
This is only a very small portion of the first layer when it comes to honey and the benefits it provides!
This is why I put it in my best soup for a cold!
Now if you are familiar with using food as medicine you probably already know the benefits of all that I have listed already but oregano brings another perspective to this soup cold concoction.
Oregano is another natural antibiotic along with providing the benefits of possibly lowing a viral load that you may have come down with. It also helps lower cholesterol and reduce immflamuation. So its best not to underestimate oregano and what it natural has to offer.
Now chicken is pretty much a given. Chicken provides a vital amount of protein your body will need to fight any illness it may be going through. But chicken also provides vitamins for brain health.
So if you go back and look at honey both chicken and honey will help your brain rest as it should and we always put it to work.
Make EXTRA soup!
From that first sniffle, you should plan, right away, to make extra food in case you go down. You can freeze the extra, pressure can, or eat it all up! Whatever you choose making extra is a smart choice.

Garlic Chicken Wild Rice Soup
- 2 Whole Chicken Breast Shredded
- 1 cup of Wild Rice
- 1 Whole minced Garlic
- 1 tablespoon Honey or to taste
- Finely Chopped Parsley
- Black Pepper to taste
- Salt to taste
- 2 Celery Stalks
- Finely Chopped Oregano
- 6 cups Homemade Chicken (or Turkey Broth)
- 3 Chopped Carrots
- 1 Whole Onion
- Start off by making your homade bone broth! If you don't have time store bought stock/broth will do just fine.
- Once you choose what route you will go with your bone broth put broth in desired stock pot and bring to a boil.
- Once the check is close to cooked add carrots, garlice, sliced onion, & celery.
- While the carrots, garlic, oninon & celery are boiling pull out the cooked chicken and shred or cut into desired sizes. Once you have finshed that step putt chicken back into broth. If chicken was not all the way cooked through that is okay it will continue cooking.
- Add honey!
- Once carrots are close soft or soft add your wild rice and bring heat to low for about 30 minutes or until rice is tender.
- This is the time you can add the rest of the ingredience. Using specified amounts. (Highly Reccomend going by taste!)
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