As a first time mom ,or mom in general, you are going to feel so overwhelmed with all weird gadgets that are available on the market for your baby. Don’t let this overwhelm you though! Because the reality is your brand new little one only needs mom and dad along with a few things. Besides the obvious diapers, carseat, stroller, and clothes there isn’t much more to look for.
Unfortunately out of all my friends and family I was the only one having a baby at the time of my first pregnancy. These are the tips I gathered through experience! These are some baby must haves for any first time mom.
Baby Zipper Sleeper

The first thing my baby must haves list are zipper sleepers! There is nothing more frustrating than waking up in the middle of the night trying to button up your babies jammies while they are wiggling around in the dark, especially if you exclusively pump like I did. Having a goal of only wanting zipper sleepers eliminates the urge to over buy baby clothes! Lets face it buying baby clothes is one of the most exciting things to do when expecting!
Baby Wearing is a must!

Baby wearing is another must have when bringing home your little newborn. Following the birth of both of my girls I made sure to rest and really soak up those newborn cuddles but once I realized I needed to get back to reality I was forced to problem solve. I refused to give up those cuddles! Yet, they’re some things I just could not do one handed, like cooking. That problem led me to the solution of baby wearing! Like anything, before using one make sure you read the manufacturer’s instructions to protect you and your baby.
Must have Baby Onesies

Another must have are baby onesies. Although this is extremely obvious it can definitely get over looked. My first daughter was born in the middle of winter and though she was always bundled up onesies where always a go to for when I wasn’t sure of what to put on them before I started baby wearing. The last thing you want to do is overheat your baby! It’s also an easy way with having skin to skin without sacrificing your baby to the cold as well. This is why I put onesies on my baby must haves!
Sound Machine are a Must for a new baby!

Now this one is by far my favorite item on the list! The sounds machine is the one thing I am glad I did research on while I was pregnant. Even though the first six months, of both my girls, I never implemented a schedule. I did, however, make sure once nighttime rolled around played the sound machine. Now that my oldest daughter just turned two I find that all I have to do is turn the sound machine on and she knows its time for bed. I do not foresee us ditching our sound machines anytime soon! We found the Hatch baby sound machine works for our family. It hooks up to your phone and locks so your toddler can’t turn it into a toy!
Baby Books are a must have!

Lastly, I would most definitely say books are a MUST have! In those early days you may first you will be sitting quite a bit soaking up those cuddles. Scolling on your phone maybe nice but reading to your baby creates precious memories. Bonus if the book is black and while for those little newborn eyes to get lost in! You can request books as gifts or even go to your local library! There is no reason why books couldn’t make way into your home. I already miss having my girls cuddled up on my chest sleeping as I read. Books are a great way to start those early traditions.
Becoming a parent can become very intimating but don’t let those toy companies come between you and your growing family. Parenting as simple as you can will give you the greatest abundance of joy that you would have never expected otherwise.
Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! It is the most important job you will ever have.

Love these, they are definitely must haves but I will say we use our fans as noise machines, two birds one stone!
Oh yes in the summer we love our fans!! But in these cold -30 winter days the fan is the last thing we think about! We are craving the sun right about now!!! Counting down the days!
As I was reading I saw number 1 as zippered sleepers and I said YES! Then I saw number two, baby wearing and I said DOUBLE YES! Lol These are my 2 essentials!
Add in some cloth diapers and some cute modest nursing tops and we are good to go! Thanks for sharing and it really is the most important job we will ever have :)!
You are so right!!
Yes cloth diapers for me are a must!! Watch out for a new post coming out next week about cloth diapers!!