1. Odds and Ends Water Pouring
As moms you find that sometimes you just cannot seem to distract your kiddos long enough to get something done! Living in the constant state of chaos, being a stay of home mom of two under two, I find achieving goals and chores extremely challenging. Here are 3 easy activites I entertain my kids without any preplanning!
![toddler pouring water](https://artoftraditions.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/pouring-activities-1024x602.jpg)
Having a clean kitchen is the best feeling in the world! If your toddler is anything like mine you have a helper in training that just has the best intentions. In fact instead of shooing them out of the kitchen pull out a towel, some water, and measuring cups and watch their creativity come alive! For example the more random the objects the more entertaining it can be for them. As always make sure to supervise! But this makes it that much easier! Just set this up by the sink as your doing dishes and your little one can feel as if they are helping you!
2. Involve Your Little one in with the Chores
We have our own little in home zoo consisting of two lazy cats and an old spunky chihuahua. Our toddler loves to help in anyway she possibly can. As always you must supervise but making it easy for your toddler to feed the animals is another way you can quickly sneak in another chore. With consistency we found our chihuahua being friendlier then ever in her 9 years of life. And as a bonus your little one is learning to respect animals!
As always you should always supervise you little one with anything they can get their hand on too. Make sure the have the designated tools to make it easy for them be successful (e.i. plate, food the can pour) And WA-LA!
3. Laundry Games
Lastly, as you move from the heart of the house, the kitchen, laundry is the next problematic chore! That being said having lower expectations help but can get so frustrating. Sometimes making a game out a simple house house items is easier than we think. Out of frustration I poured all the laundry out and just gave her the basket to play with! Finally thats when I decided since we can’t go out side to play during this cold weather lets get creative! All it took was a laundry basket and some balls and you have an indoor basketball game it was! The simplest things can keep them entertained. As always with the right direction and consistency fun can come out of just anything.
Hopes this helps make your life of parent a tad more interesting! At the very least allow you to give your self grace and enjoy simplest things as our kids do.
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